When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Who Do You Have?

near a river encouragement for kids who do you have bj rae bald eagle

What success can you have even when the odds are stacked against you?  Who do you have within yourself?

If you think life has stacked the odds against you and those odds are keeping you from becoming successful, read on.

Has anyone told you will not succeed?

  • Call him a slow learner—“retarded”—and write him off as ineducable, and who do you have?  You have Albert Einstein.
  • Call him dull and hopeless and flunk him in the sixth grade and you have Winston Churchill.
  • Label him too stupid to learn and you have Thomas Edison.
  • Tell a young boy who loves to draw that he has no talent, and you have Walt Disney.

Do you have physical or mental issues?

  • Strike him with infantile paralysis, and he becomes Franklin D. Roosevelt.  Franklin Roosevelt was the only US president to be elected four terms.
  • When he is only three years old, burn him so badly in a fire that doctors say he will never walk again and you have Glenn Cunningham. Glenn set the world’s record in 1934 for running a mile in four minutes.
  • Blind him.  Then you have Ray Charles, George Shearing, Stevie Wonder, or Hal Krents.
  • Afflict him with depression so severe that he cuts off his own ear, and you have Vincent Van Gogh.
  • Blind him at age 44, and you have John Milton. At age 60, Milton wrote Paradise Lost.
  • Deny a child the ability to see, hear, and speak, and you have Helen Keller.

Born in poverty? Born amidst discrimination?

  • Have him or her born in a society filled with racial discrimination, and you have a Booker T. Washington, Harriet Tubman, Marian Anderson, George Washington Carver, or Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Make him the first child born to survive in a poor Italian family with 18 children, and you have an Ernest Caruso.
  • Make him a homosexual and you have Michelangelo and a million other talented people.
  • Punish her with poverty and prejudice, and she may become another Golda Meir. Meir became the Minister of Labour and the Foreign Minister of Israel. Then, on March 17, 1969, she became the Prime Minister of Israel.

What abilities do you have within you that might help you overcome the challenges in your life? Who do you have within you?

Yes, everyone has difficulties in life, but everyone can become successful.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


What thought patterns enable someone to succeed?

Where did these people find their success?

Exactly how did they succeed?

A gift to help you succeed.


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Thanks for this encouraging post!


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