When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown


near a river encouragement power star is born bj rae eagle

Addiction has power.  The movie A Star Is Born shows just how much power it has.

My husband has tried to help many addicts over the years, but none of the addicts he has tried to help has actually overcome their addiction.  One of them is in prison for 20 years for hijacking cars to get rides to buy his dope, and another of them still lives in the bottom of a beer can most of the time.

Critical of the people my husband tried to help, I used to think that anyone could overcome addiction by changing his focus in life.  But yesterday, at the movie theater, I learned differently.

The movie A Star Is Born convinced me of the power of addiction.

Ally (played by Lady Gaga) meets country music star Jack Maine (played by Bradley Cooper) in the bar where she works and they fall in love.  Of course, Ally realizes after the first time she attends one of Jack’s concerts that he has an addiction problem.  But she stays with him and he helps her to become a star in her own right.

Jack did not show up at one of her concerts that he had promised to attend. He had been performing in a different town and drank too much and blacked out on a stranger’s lawn.  She found him and told him that she would never track him down again, that he would be on his own if he ever did that again.

Well, Jack got her message and they married.  But Jack’s drinking and drug use did not stop.  And on the night she received her first Grammy, his addiction became apparent to the world.

He entered a residential treatment program and completed it.  Unfortunately, Jack did not know that using the amount of drugs that he had used before he got clean in rehab could kill him. And as he pulled out of the driveway to attend Ally’s concert, he found some drugs in the glove box of his truck.

Jack never made it to Ally’s concert, even though he loved Ally with all of his heart.

I went to the bathroom and cried before I drove home after this movie.

Now I understand how much power addiction has and that it takes a lot to overcome it.

Yes, this movie has a few sex scenes.  Even so, I believe that teenagers should watch this movie before “friends” introduce them to drugs.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Make good things happen!

So you think you won’t get caught?

Why did I say no to drugs in high school?

What happens in October besides Halloween?

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on bobbiejrae.com.

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