When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

A Monster Within You?

Does this monster live within you?  If it does, it may be causing you to feel lousy and depressed!

Encouragement to deal with the monster within you on near a river.

Does a monster within you ever make you feel poorly, depressed, and anxious?

Someone I know has several monsters inside him–a tickle monster, a blood sugar monster, and a depression monster.  Recent medical research has proven the connection between two of his monsters.

No, medical research has not connected his tickle monster to anything.  However, it has connected his blood sugar monster with his depression monster.

What does medical research say about the connection between blood sugar and depression?

In your body, hunger and low blood sugar set off stress signals.  Common reactions to these stress signals are depression and anxiety.

When my friend’s blood sugar gets low, his brain does not realize that he needs to eat something healthy.  Instead, he begins to feel anxious, depressed, angry, or even all three. Then he begins to stress about everything going on around him. If I ask him if he wants something to eat when he is in this mood, he usually grumps back at me, “No, I am not hungry!”

It is when his body is in this mode that stress causes him to seek sugary foods.  Eating these foods causes even greater blood sugar fluctuations and keeps his depression monster alive and active within him.

How can a person fix this monster?

  • Eat small meals five times a day.
  • Consume protein and healthy fats each day.
  • For snacks, consider eating apples and celery with almond butter, an ounce of dark chocolate, raisins, and carrots.
  • Reduce the number of carbs you consume.
  • Keep your fiber intake up! Fiber stabilizes blood sugar by slowing the release of blood sugar into your bloodstream.
  • See you doctor for blood tests.

Hey!  We all feel down and depressed sometimes, especially during the holidays when we consume too much sugar.

The blood sugar monster within you may be at least partially to blame for your mood.  If it is, perhaps these suggestions may help you to eliminate your unwelcome depression.

Happy Holidays, Everyone!


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soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Here is a letter to you, my friend…

Say thank you to an imperfect world!

If you use a smartphone, you need to read this…

Want to reduce your depression without medication?


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