When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

The Best Family Gift

Do you know what the best gift for your family is?  The best gift is a gift that could last a lifetime…

near a river encouragement for kids best gift bj rae eagle

Christmas is almost here, and most Americans are thinking about finding the best gift for their loved ones.

Yes, the current booming economy has put more money into our pockets. And, every commercial tells us that it is advertising the best gift for your family or loved one.  With their colorful images and background music and words, these short television segments tempt us to buy, buy, and buy more stuff.

But the truth is that more stuff is not the best gift—less stress is!

Do you know that the average American has over $16,000 in credit card debt?  Also, did you know the amount of debt in the average US household is at the level it was at right before the last recession?

Well, if you know these things, you also suspect that the best family gift is not more things that you cannot afford.  All of this debt just raises stress levels, and more stress causes more physical and mental health issues.  Financial security, on the other hand, lowers stress levels and decreases health issues.

The best gift is financial security.

How can you give your family the best gift–the gift of financial security and less stress?

  • Stick to your budget, even on the holidays.

It is hard not to charge an expensive electronic gift that your loved one really wants on your credit card with your available credit.  So perhaps you could examine your budget, look at how much money you have to spend on gifts this year, and spend only that amount.  Consider paying cash for gifts.

Why should you spend money you do not have?  The bill will arrive in January and you will feel stressed about finding a way to pay it.

  • Reduce your debt!

Make a list of every debt you owe in the order of least amount owed to greatest.  Then pay as much as you can on the smallest debt until it is gone.  Next pay the next bill off.  Do not charge more to a credit card once you have paid it off.

Reducing your debt is giving yourself a raise!  You will have more money left over at the end of the month instead of more month left over at the end of the money after you reduce your debt! And you will be able to pay your bills without stressing out!


No commercial convinces me to buy anything for anyone.  In fact, in our home, we usually do not buy expensive gifts for each other for Christmas.  Instead, we look at our budget, determine how much we should spend on each other for the holidays, and then we spend that amount on someone else.  Last year we adopted a family in need, and this year we adopted a project that is sending care boxes to a US Army company stationed in Afghanistan.

Friend, please do not let commercials tempt you to buy what they advertise. Instead of spending money you do not have, you can give your loved ones your time, energy, love, and financial security.

Give your family the best gift of all!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Do you shop online?

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

What is the true currency in your life?

Want to learn more about the best gifts?


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