When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown


Encouraging you to celebrate Veterans Day for a whole month on Near a River.

We should celebrate our Veterans for a whole month instead of just one day in November!

In the US, Veterans Day is a holiday we celebrate to honor those who have fought and sometimes died to protect our beloved freedom.

Because of these freedoms, a bad day for someone living in the US might be a great day for someone living in another country. Other countries simply do not have all the freedoms we have here!

Our Veterans are the reason we have these freedoms.

When someone joins the military, (s)he knows (s)he might be signing away (her) his life.  A soldier could leave and never return on any mission.  Their families know this also.

Today I watched two videos of military personnel, a sad one and a happy one. The sad video showed  families saying goodbye to their family members before boarding a military airplane to defend our freedom. The happy video showed the men and women returning and surprising their families.  They walked into their children’s schools and their loved one’s workplaces and stood until they were noticed.  Their loved ones immediately jumped into their arms and shared long bear hugs.  Both videos, the leaving and the returning, brought tears to my eyes.

I have known two Veterans who did return but who suffered as a result of their military experience.

First, my Dad was a World War II Veteran.  He had frequent nightmares due to what he experienced on his ship.  His ship was hit and water was coming into the hole.  His captain ordered him and the other survivors to stuff the hole with the bodies of their dead friends.  He did as he was ordered but suffered nightmares of the horrible event the rest of his life.

Second, my husband is a Vietnam Veteran. He served in the Army and was exposed to Agent Orange and saw his friends blown up by the enemy along with other atrocities.  I have been with him as he has journeyed through the VA health care system for the health issues that his exposure to Agent Orange probably caused—diabetes, pancreatic tumors, and coronary artery disease.  Unfortunately, he also has PTSD due to his Vietnam experience.

I love these two men and every other person who has defended our country.  Also, I stand by and with them every chance I can.

Throughout November, I propose that we all celebrate Veterans for a whole month.  That we thank them and help them any way we can.

Please help every Veteran you can every chance you get, for at least the month of November–if not every day of your life.

Help our Veterans soar like eagles over the storms in their lives.

Celebrate Veterans for the whole month of November!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Right now, our country needs more than thoughts and prayers!

Please share love with our troops overseas!

Feeling sad today?

Need a hug?


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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you care about today!

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2 comments on “A WHOLE MONTH

This is a remarkable post. Your family has suffered and sacrificed for us all. They stood on the wall that separate us from all who could harm us and strip us of our freedoms. We owe our veterans our day to day routines, smiles, tears and joys.
May such troops always have our backs and receive our thanks.


B J, I am grateful that your life has been blessed by these two (2) special men. I wish all of those who refuse to stand for our National Anthem would read this post and maybe, just maybe, realize the sacrifice which has been made by each one who has laid the life on the line for our freedom.


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