When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

A Word to the Wise

Encouraging you to be wise on Near a River.

Be wise and prevent unnecessary bills.

Have you ever had this strange event happen?  I hope not.  But consider this post a word to the wise to prevent others from having the same issue.

Last year we were new in the North Country.  So when I needed dental work, I just used the dentist closest to me who happened to be a preferred provider with my insurance company, VA Delta Dental (VA DIP).  The dentist was paid at 100% by my insurance company.

But this year, the same dentist was no longer a preferred dentist with VA DIP.  His office did not inform me before I had my teeth cleaned.  They also did not inform me the day of my appointment.  And I received a bill for a fairly large portion of the total amount.

Confused, I called VA DIP. Anna there told me that the VA DIP had instructed the dentist to tell patients that he is no longer a preferred provider and the insurance company would not pay for the total bill like it used to.  VA DIP told me I owe this money.

Unfortunately, I must send this dishonest dentist a check, but with it I am including a letter asking him to please deal with the apparent communication problem within his office.

I hope that no one else has this issue.  With holiday expenses piling up, no one needs this problem.

You can prevent this from happening to you by simply calling your insurance company to verify that the provider you are seeing is still a preferred provider.

Be wise and prevent bills you do not need.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Try not to lose any money.

 Before you get upset about a problem…

You are very special.  Consider yourself hugged!

You can get the emergency cash you need without a loan!


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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2 comments on “A Word to the Wise


Such actions of this Dentist doesn’t represent anyone who is supposed to be a well educated individual and caring person for his patients.

Chrisandra Willoughby

Hi BJ it’s me, Chrissie! Today is my 4th day on greens and I have so much energy!
My body is loving these nutrients!! Thank you Thank you!!! Love and blessings from Chrisandra in California


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