When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Feel Better Right Now!

Encouraging you to eat better and feel better on Near a River.

Feel better right now, without medications!

If you could make yourself feel better right now – with no prescriptions, pills, or side effects – would you do it? It’s actually very simple to eat your way to better health, with some simple food cures.

  • Feel stressed?

If you’re feeling stressed, pop some pistachios. Researchers at Penn State University found that when people added an ounce and a half of pistachio nuts to their diet, their blood pressure plunged by nearly five points! The secret is in all the plant sterols and antioxidants, which reduce the body’s stress hormones. So fill up a shot glass full of shelled pistachios each day – and relax!

  • Can’t sleep?

Here’s an easy food remedy for insomniacs: Eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Just make sure you use grape jelly, since researchers in Italy found that grapes are chock full of the sleep hormone, melatonin. Also, peanut butter is loaded with tryptophan – the amino acid known for causing sleepiness. Studies show that eating bread four hours before bed, can shave up to nine minutes off the time it takes you to get to dreamland!

  • Catching a cold?

Next, if you feel a cold coming on: Drink pomegranate juice and it’ll help you in two ways. First, studies show the high levels of antioxidants in pomegranates give your immune system a big boost. Second, the juice itself is a potent germ killer – that destroys viruses right inside your mouth! So even if you work in a room full of sick people, down a glass of pomegranate juice and it’ll kill the viruses in your mouth, a main entry point for germs, before they can reach the rest of your body.

  • Feeling bloated?

Finally, if you feel stuffed up and bloated, you can banish the bulge with a banana. That bloated feeling usually means your diet is overloaded with salt. Because excess sodium causes your body to retain water, making you feel more puffy than you really are. Eating one banana gives you enough potassium to flush out the salt, bringing your body’s water ratio back to normal. For the best results, mix one sliced banana with a cup of low-fat yogurt, and you’ll be unbloated in no time.


I am blessed to have health insurance with prescription coverage.  Although I can get and take medications, I prefer to avoid them as much as possible.  Natural is always best in my opinion!

Soar like an eagle with me over life’s storms.  Feel better right away the natural way!


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One comment on “Feel Better Right Now!


This is great info B J! Thanks for sharing as I was unaware of these benefits!


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