When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

What Offends You?

Encouraging to remove what offends you from your life on Near a River.

Remove what offends you from your life and move forward!

Something has been offending me for many years–my Mother’s lack of love for me.

Since I am the result of my Mother’s extra marital affair, she did never show love to me while I was growing up. She also did not provide me with proper fitting shoes like she did for my siblings.  So I have had foot pain all of my life.  Thinking it was just the way my life is, I accepted the pain, wore the best shoes I could find, and kept on walking.

In June of last year my left foot issue became severe. Part of it was amputated and about four months after the surgery, finally my left foot was pain free.  Then my right foot started acting up.  So it is getting the same treatment the left foot got.

My foot pain was a constant reminder of my Mother’s unlovingness toward me.  That constant reminder has caused me to stumble—I have been unable to forgive my Mother for her actions and lack of actions toward me.  But in a few months, that reminder will be gone, forever.

Matthew 5:29 says that if your eye offends you, you should pluck it out.  My foot pain was offending me or causing me to stumble (be unable to move forward with forgiveness in my heart) so the painful part of both of my feet will have been removed soon.

Anger about the situation with my Mother has been hurting me for my entire life. Even thinking about the what the results of the second amputation surgery will probably be, I am beginning to feel as though I am ready to move past my Mother’s actions and lack of actions.

Do you feel angry about something in your past?  Did you know that your anger only hurts you, not the person you are angry with? If you want to get past your anger, you might want to figure out how you can pluck the situation causing your anger out of your life.  That is the best way to feel better about your life and move forward.

Remove what offends you from your life so you can move forward, then soar like an eagle over life’s storms.


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One comment on “What Offends You?


Praying for your successful surgery and for the putting your past behind you and looking forward to a bright new future.


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