When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Keep Your Dreams!

Encouraging you to keep your dreams on near a river.

Never give up on your dreams!

Yesterday was our national Martin Luther King day.  In 1963, this great man had a dream that all men would live together as equals and as one brotherhood, with the same civil rights and opportunities.  He prayed that God would make his dream come true. Now 54 and a half years later, our country has made progress toward making Martin Luther King’s dream come true.  Fortunately, we have not given up and are still working to make his dream come true.

Like Martin Luther King, I also have dreams.

Yesterday I had a very important dream. Because my husband has developed tremors and his Vietnam tour exposed him to Agent Orange, his general practitioner said he must be evaluated for Parkinson’s disease right away.  Being exposed to chemical agents like Agent Orange increases a person’s risk for Parkinson’s and many other diseases.  He has been diagnosed with several of the other major diseases associated with Agent Orange, so we were concerned that he might have this one too.  So yesterday on Martin Luther King Day, we drove over two hours to his neurology appointment yesterday.

Can you guess what my dream was?  My dream was that the neurologist would say that my husband does not have Parkinson’s disease.

Dr. Paulson, the neurologist, trained at Walter Reid Hospital and has worked with many veterans like my husband.  He knew what he was doing as he carefully tested my hubby in various ways.  Then my dream came true—Dr. Paulson said my hubby shows signs of “benign essential tremor” (also associated with exposure to Agent Orange) but has no signs of Parkinson’s.

Do you have dreams?

If you do, keep doing your best to make them come true.  Never giving up is the only way to make your dreams come true.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Try doing this when you feel frustrated.

Encouraging you to use these gifts in your life.

Encouragement you to keep believing you can succeed.

Encouraging you to always be faithful in all of your relationships.


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One comment on “Keep Your Dreams!


Praise God for this diagnosis!


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