When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

“Why Not Me?”

Try asking yourself “Why not me?” instead of “Why me?”

Encouraging you to ask yourself "Why not me?" on near a river.

Have you experienced an abundance of challenges in your life?

When feeling discouraged, have you ever thought, “Why me?”

If your answer is yes, you and I are kindred spirits.  I do not know about your life challenges, but mine have been continuous for more than 50 years.

Here are some of my life challenges.

  • Born as a result of my Mother’s extramarital affair, I have always been keenly aware that my Mother has not loved me. Even as a young child.
  • Growing up in a very dysfunctional home, I witnessed alcoholism and domestic violence.
  • My mother remarried a man who smoked cigarettes every waking moment of his life. Almost constant exposure to second hand smoke caused me to develop severe allergies, severe migraines, and asthma.
  • Going off to college at age 18, I “declared independence” (an IRS legal term meaning living on your own without any financial support from your family). This gave me a short reprieve of just a few years from all of the negativity in my life.
  • Then I fell in love with a man who turned out to be a very abusive narcissist. Before we married, for entire weeks at a time he was “too busy” to spend time with me.  After we married, I realized he had been avoiding me due to his bipolar lows.  He was bipolar and self-medicated with alcohol.  Although he became abusive and almost killed me, I feared leaving him because he had threatened to kill me if I ever left him.  He actually gave me a 6 inch scar on my neck less than ¼ of an inch from my carotid artery when I finally did leave him after too many years of abuse.
  • Having suffered a life of abuse, I have spent the past 20 years healing. Overcoming all of the physical and mental abuse has required many surgeries and some years of counseling. I have had surgeries to repair my broken nose, my broken chin, my temporal mandibular joint syndrome, foot issues, and many others. There is one health issue I continue to struggle with every moment of my life:  Traumatic Brain Injury.


But I still do not pity myself and ask “Why me?”  Instead I empower myself to use my experiences to help others and ask myself “Why not me?”  I use my experiences to help others by spreading my Grandma’s love, hope, and encouragement by writing about what my experiences have taught me.

So instead of pitying yourself because of the challenges in your life, perhaps you could ask yourself how you can use your experiences to bless and encourage others.  Start by empowering yourself and asking the words “Why not me?” instead of “Why me?”.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Never go to bed angry!

Want to make your life easier?

Offended by something? Remove it from your life.

Say these two effective words as often as possible.


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

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One comment on ““Why Not Me?”


Your writings continue to bless and encourage many. Thanks for taking us on your continuing journey!


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