When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

My Immigrant Friend

Encouraging you to think about the opinion of my immigrant friend on near a river.

Do you agree with my immigrant friend?

I have an immigrant friend who immigrated to the United States (US) more than 30 years ago.  When she immigrated here, she had to submit paperwork to the US government.  She submitted proof that she had married a US citizen, proof that her husband sponsor had a good job, bank statements, and statements from her husband’s employer.  After she had submitted all of these things, she had to wait to be allowed into the United States.  And even though she had married a man who was born a US citizen, she was uncertain that she would be allowed into the US herself.

After a long wait, she did get a permanent green card and then allowed to enter the US.  Now, every 10 years, she has to file form I-90 with the US department of immigration and pay a fee of $1,225.  Even though she has never committed any crimes here or in her home country.

This morning she and I were discussing the immigrant caravan that came to the US border, promising they would not enter the US illegally.  They were seeking asylum, they said.  But Mexico had already offered them asylum.

According to the news this morning, four immigration lawyers have been advising these immigrants there at the border on how to get asylum, what to say and not say.  The problem with asylum seekers is that they are here until their court hearing.  But many of them do not show up for their hearings and therefore become illegal immigrants.  These illegal immigrants often receive benefits paid for by US tax payers.

My immigrant friend says events like this immigrant caravan make her feel angry.  When illegal immigrants are rewarded with government services, legal immigrants feel punished by the regulations they must follow and the fees they must pay. We must build a border wall, she says.

What do you think about our immigration problem?  Do you agree with my immigrant friend?


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One comment on “My Immigrant Friend


I would and do feel the same way as you friend. I sometimes wonder if our Government will ever wake up to the mistakes in providing benefits for those illegal immigrants.


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