When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Bullying of Any Kind

Encouraging you to stop bullying of any kind on near a river.

Do not tolerate bullying of any kind!

Have you or a loved one ever been bullied?  Bullying of any kind is wrong, whether it occurs in person, in the mail, by phone, or online.

A woman has been bullying her sister.  This sister does not tolerate bullying of any kind, especially the cyber bullying kind that  the woman is engaging in at the moment. To make matters worse, their Mother lives with the woman and bullies are not usually content bullying just one person.

The woman’s behavior will not be tolerated! Concerned about the 80 year-old Mother who lives with the woman, this sister is considering travelling to the woman’s hometown. There the sister can chat with a lawyer and social services to make sure her Mother is okay. She is also filing a police report about this issue to make sure the authorities both here and there know what is going on.

The First Lady of the United States does not tolerate this either.  Having vowed before Election Day in 2016 to fight against cyberbully activities, she has hosted representatives from all social media companies for an “informational meeting” to discuss ways to prevent cyberbullying.  Although people are skeptical of her discussing this issue due to her husband’s tweets, she is still doing what she can to help the issue.

You can help with this issue, too!  Each state has laws to deal with bullies.  Check this link to find the laws in your state.  If you feel that someone is bullying you or someone you love, take any legal action necessary to stop the bullying.  Every time that someone stops a bully, the world is a better place.

Bullying of any kind is unacceptable.

Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Stop a bully, save a life…

The words you speak are very powerful…

What others think of you is none of your business…

Prevent bullying by teaching your children to make good decisions…


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