When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: disability

near a river encouraging words for children disability approved bj rae bald eagle

Do you know how to get a disability application approved quickly? When I was in college, I worked for two years at a law firm as a runner and office aid.  The lead attorney loved how I communicated and asked Read more…

BJ has a challenge for you…   Life has been a challenge for everyone this year, for everyone affected by covid and those who weren’t. After years of too much pain, I had surgery in July to alleviate the challenge Read more…

N95 masks bobbiejrae.com bj rae encouragement for the new world

  Do you need an n95 mask? Here is where you can get them and some other important information about the coronavirus.   Coronavirus could kill me, since I’ve had an impaired immune system for years. . I try to Read more…

If you struggle financially, you aren’t alone.  Many people are in your boat, but you can jump out and swim to the shore. Suppose your electric bill is too high due to the summer heat. If you don’t find a Read more…

Encouraging you to avoid being at time traveler on near a river.

Are you a time traveler like many people are?  If you might be, read on… Some people’s brains cause them to be a time traveler. Why? Some brains are just not comfy with the uncertainty of the present and the Read more…

near a river encouraging words for kids VA troubles bj rae bald eagle

If you are a Veteran, you might know just how difficult it can be to deal with Veterans’ Administration (VA).  Here are some things you can do to alleviate your VA troubles. When I first met my husband, he did Read more…

Encouragement for Vietnam veterans to seek compensation they deserve for their health issues on near a river.

Do you know any Vietnam veterans? If you do, please share this with them! My husband served in Vietnam and has experienced the effects of exposure to Agent Orange. Exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam causes a variety of health Read more…

Encouraging you to work together on near a river.

By working together, we will always succeed.  Last night my husband and I watched President Trump’s State of the Union Address together.  I do not agree with everything that Trump has done, but I loved the theme of his speech. Read more…

You can earn cash by working at home! We all want and need cash. Even if you are disabled, you can work.  You can work from home! Here are a few of the jobs you can do working from home. Read more…

Encouraging you to empower others on near a river.

How you can empower others to be their best! Do you feel sorry for someone who has had a hard life?  And do you tend to allow such a person to get away with things you would not allow another Read more…

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