When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: laugh

Read this if you want to have a good laugh! A successful rancher died and left everything to his devoted wife Sue.   She was a very good-looking woman and determined to keep the ranch, but knew very little about ranching, Read more…

near a river encouragement laugh bj rae eagle

Laugh and overcome depression and anxiety. My husband loves to laugh. He teases me all day most days. On the days when he does not tease me, I worry about him. My husband is a disabled Vietnam veteran. He suffers Read more…

bj rae invisible threats delete texts without opening

How can you protect yourself from invisible threats? When I was in the third grade, my teacher gave us an assignment to write about the biggest way that life would be different when we’re thirty years old. I wrote that Read more…

Parents, don’t you want plausible government for your children’s and grandchildren’s futures? Join me and send this letter to anyone who can make a difference! To Whom It May Concern, Why should I pay federal taxes again? My money just pays Read more…

Have a health issue?  Look for a physician like Dr. Gotha! I was used to hospitals, buildings where a few nondescript art prints adorn the walls, where some of the staff smiled sometimes, and the food was always bland. But Read more…

A new fantastic medical treatment is changing lives.  It just might change yours. The Vietnam Veteran slept, snuggled up next to his wife. Each time noise from outside invaded the silence in their safe bedroom, his legs and arms moved Read more…

What does the fire of your soul do to others?  What do other souls do to you? Last night it was chilly outside, so my husband started a campfire.  We sat close to the fire and chatted about how our Read more…

The political anger in which Americans are currently marinating is futile and unhealthy. It spreads man-flu, which is highly contagious and potentially deadly! Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to his 16-year-old grandson to give him advice. His advice specifically pertained Read more…

When you reflect on your past, how do you feel?  More importantly, how can you overcome how you feel about your past? As I child, other children laughed at me because of my clothes. My hand-me-down pants were too short, as Read more…

If you want to avoid this problem, it is best to start now… The holidays are upon us.  In about nine short weeks, Christmas will be here.  Most of us do something during the holiday season that we regret in Read more…

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