When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Search Results for: overcome depression

near a river encouragement Ashley Judd bj rae eagle

Overcome your depression the way Ashley Judd overcame hers! My husband and I both have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I have overcome my depression issues. He is still working on his. I always encourage him to use Ashley Read more…

How I cope with holiday depression. I feel depressed and anxious today on this holiday. Why am I depressed? I feel depressed and anxious for two reasons. First, my Grandma and brother are in heaven together and I miss them.  Grandma Read more…

near a river encouragement overcomer bj rae eagle

Enable your struggling loved one to be an overcomer! Life is harder when your loved one struggles with a major issue such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or any physical issue. You may feel depressed yourself because your loved one has an Read more…

Bored silly? Trying to pass the time until life returns to “normal”? Restaurants, movie theaters, and malls are closed. Sport events are cancelled. There is nothing to do but stay home and wait out the virus, for however long it Read more…

near a river encouragement for children letter bj rae bald eagle

A letter to encourage you to keep going! This letter is to you. The you who: feels stressed. is depressed and anxious. has done it many times before but sometimes feels like you just cannot go on. does not want Read more…

Encouraging you to enjoy a brunette joke on near a river.

I am brunette, so I pick on my own kind.  This is a brunette joke. There once was a brunette named BJ. BJ lived where you can get 6 feet of snow or more in one winter and she loved Read more…

Encouraging you to join the kindness movement on near a river.

Something great is going on!  A Kindness Movement has begun! Did you know there is a “Kindness Movement”? Audrey’s idea A woman named Audrey dreamed up the idea. Others had been kind to her during her difficult times, and these Read more…

A simple way to eclipse the negativity from your life! Do you have negative people in your life whom you cannot avoid?  If you do, this post is for you! Early this morning I walked with my friend Wendy like Read more…

Strategies to help you love  life and yourself. Do you feel sad and depressed? Feel anxious or want to change your self-defeating behaviors? You can overcome depression and anxiety and change negative behaviors. First, you need to love and accept Read more…

I want to help you any way I can.  Dear Reader, How can I help you? Showing kindness and helping others is good for anyone’s soul, especially mine.  I have had a very hard life and helping others enables me Read more…

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