An Urgent Message…

Please pass this urgent message on to your family and friends.

Do you ever get phone calls on your cell phone from numbers you do not recognize?  If you do, you need to be aware of this urgent message. Some callers are trying to steal your contact list, your banking information, or the information on your SIM card.

Scam artists have been calling people from these numbers:

  • +375602605281
  • +255901130460
  • +37127913091
  • +37178565072
  • +56322553736
  • +37052529259
  • or any number starting from +371 +375 +381

When they call, the other end of the line hangs up when you answer your phone. If you call the number back, the scammers can copy your contact list in three seconds. And if you have bank or credit card details on your phone, they can copy that too.

Where are these scam artists calling from?

  • +375 code is for Belarus.
  • +371 code is for Lativa.
  • +381 Serbia.
  • +563 Valparaiso.
  • +370 Vilnius.
  • +255 Tanzania.

If you get a call from any of these area codes or phone numbers, please protect yourself and your information.  DO NOT ANSWER OR CALL BACK!

Also, never press #90 or #09 on your cell phone when the person on the other end asks you to do this. This is a new trick.  If you press #90 or #09, the person on the other end can access your SIM card, make calls at your expense, and frame you as a criminal.

Please remember that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  It is much easier to prevent problems caused by scam artists who gain your cell phone information without your consent than it is to deal with them.

Do you use a cell phone?  Please heed this urgent message!


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