Let’s Be Angels!

Got pain?  Feeling depressed or anxious?  Let’s be angels!

“Are you an angel?”, an Appalachian Trail hiker asked me.  I said, “No, I am just someone who loves to help others.”  He replied, “Then you are an angel!”

If helping others is the description of an angel,

I am happy to be called an angel!

I am happiest when I am helping someone else.  When I help someone else, I do not think about my own issues and problems. And I do not feel anxious or depressed.  When I am helping others, I do not feel the usual phantom pain in my foot.  I also feel healthy and very happy.

Two role models in my life are my Grandma and my Mother.  One I try to emulate, and the other taught me what not to do and how not to treat others.

My Grandma was truly an angel and I am very fortunate to have had her in my life as a role model.  She helped others every chance she got.  She had no health issues, never took any medications, and was always happy.  My Mother is the exact opposite of my Grandma.  She is selfish and hurts others every chance she can.  She only talks about herself and her problems and does not care about what is going on in others’ lives.  My mother hurts all the time physically and complains constantly.  She takes bunches of medications! So I copy my Grandma every chance I get!

Everyone who takes medications is not selfish and unkind like my Mother is.  Some people simply have health issues like I have had.  Helping others helps me cope with my health issues because it reduces my pain, helps my immune system, and makes me feel happy.

Everyone who experiences physical pain is not selfish and unkind like my Mother is.  I realize that some people have painful, chronic health issues.  They need pain medications.

There is a natural pain killer that does not cause any side effects—

helping others!

Let’s all be angels!

I challenge you to help others every day of your life.  I promise that you will feel better about yourself.  Your stress level will go down.  Anxiety, depression, and physical pain will diminish.  Your immune system will be stronger and fight harder to keep you healthy. Click here to read proof of these benefits of helping others.

Helping others will also change the world!  It makes the world a better place for everyone!

Parents, be a good role model for your children.  Let them observe you helping others.  You will improve their lives in numerous ways!

Help others!  Let’s ALL be angels!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Feel sad right now? 

Everyone NEEDS to read this!

Helping others also helps yourself…

You can survive the hard times in your life.


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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for people

you care about today!


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