Another Important Promise

Encouragement to make an important promise on near a river.

As a child, I made an important promise.

When I was a child, my mother remarried.  My stepfather was a veteran.

At night I heard him calling out in his sleep, “No, not him!  He is my friend!”  My mother slept like a log and did not awaken even though the man next to her was having a nightmare.

Having heard his response to his nightmares for a week, I finally asked him what he dreamed about at night.  He began to cry.  After crying  for a while, he finally spoke in a quiet voice and his answer to my question broke my heart.

He explained that he entered the Navy during World War II to do his part for his country.  He loved working on his ship because he wanted more than anything else in the world to be an engineer someday.  All went well on the first few times his ship went to sea, but one day his ship was hit by the enemy.

Water began to flood the ship where the bomb had perforated its side.  Bodies of my stepfather’s friends who had also been hit lay scattered around.  His captain told the survivors to stuff the hole with the bodies of the casualties.  He followed orders but has had nightmares ever since.  Obviously experiencing PTSD, he called out in his sleep.

Asking him if I could do anything to help him, I got no answer.  He just cried more.  Hugging him, I promised him that I would help any veteran I could every chance I got for the rest of my life.  He finally hugged me back, stopped crying, and tried to smile.

I have honored my important promise and done everything I can to help every veteran I could, including my Vietnam veteran husband.  Would you join me in promising to help veterans every chance you get?  Our veterans have defended our country and deserve every bit of encouragement and support from everyone.

Please join me in enabling our veterans to soar like an eagle above the storms in their lives.  Make an important promise  to help veterans whenever you can!


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soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Recovering from a medical issue?

Why should you never go to bed angry?

I quit and you can quit along with me if you want.

Empower yourself when you encounter a challenge.


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View Comments (2)

  • What a sad thing for your father and the many others like him to experience in times of war. I am blessed to be able to minister to many who continue to suffer because of the impact experiences like your father had and look forward to the time when there will be no more wars.

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