Get a Disability Claim Approved!

Encouragement to get your social security disability claim approved quickly on near a river.

Do you know how to get a disability application approved quickly?

When I was in college, I worked for two years at a law firm as a runner and office aid.  The lead attorney loved how I communicated and asked me to help him with Social Security disability cases.  The Social Security Administration approved every claim I worked on the first time in record fast times.

Would you like to get a disability application approved quickly? Just follow these steps.

  • Apologize if you need to do so!

Have you felt frustrated about getting your finances approved and treated social security employees in a less than kind manner?  Perhaps you should start your process with an apology letter.

Write an apology using statements like this: “I am sorry I did not treat you the way I want to be treated when I spoke unkindly to you on December 7, 2018. There is no excuse for my rude words!”

Write this letter from the bottom of your heart, get a friend to edit it for you, then make sure the victim of your rudeness receives it. If you cannot hand deliver it, mail it with signature required to the individual you offended.

  • Never file your claim electronically.

If you want your claim to stand out, make certain your file it the old fashioned way.

  • Gather all the records.

First, I gathered all the records related to the claim that might help.  These records included medical records, work records, and insurance documentation.

  • Analyze the records.

I analyzed the records to find all the possible supporting evidence for the claim.

  • Always write a narrative.

On the last page of the application, I always wrote a narrative in the section that asks for any additional relevant information.  Usually, I began each narrative with a sentence that explained how this applicant was different from other applicants.  One of my favorite opening statements went like this, “I know that in these hard economic times, many people who could work apply for disability when their unemployment runs out instead of working.  But I am not doing that.”  Then I followed the introductory statement with an explanation of how this particular applicant’s disability’s affected his life and made him unable to work at all. My summary statement usually stated exactly how the disability benefits would help the applicant.

  • Handwrite the application.

I typed the answers that the client needed to write on the claim. Then the client copied every word by hand.  This is important because a person’s handwriting tells a lot about what he feels and what kind of shape his body and mind are in.

  • Submit the application in person.

Whenever possible, the applicant himself went to the Social Security office to hand deliver the application. Doing this prevented the application from simply being put at the bottom of a stack on someone’s desk. When the applicant submitted the claim, (s)he also submitted copies of all of the relevant records. The employee accepting the claim always gave the applicant a receipt for the application and the records.


If you or someone you care about has a health condition that prevents him from working, please share this post with him.  The last thing that someone who is suffering physically needs is to not know where the money for basic necessities will come from!


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