
The word arrest has more than one meaning, but all three meanings apply to the US today.

The word arrest has more than one meaning.

One is to take someone into custody. Another is to stop or check a progress or a process, and the third is to attract or catch someone’s attention.

All three apply to the US right now.

Meaning number one applies to the murderer of the 33-year-old police officer, Ronil Singh.  An immigrant killed him in California.  He migrated to the US from Fiji and leaves behind a wife and five-month old son. Both Rojil Singh and his murderer were immigrants, but there is an important difference between these two.  Singh migrated here legally, and his killer was in the US illegally. His killer may have simply walked across our open Southern border and entered the US.  However he got here, he is an illegal immigrant.  He is on the run and authorities must capture and arrest him.

Meaning number two means to stop a process.  Right now the US government leaders are deadlocked.  President Trump wants a border wall, while other elected leaders do not want a wall.  Their deadlock has caused our government to partially shut down.  Federal parks are closed and some government employees must work without pay until the shutdown ends.

Meaning number three applies to US citizens.  These two situations have caught our attention.

What do you think the government should do about our Southern border now?  How do you think the government can end this deadlock?  How can you help end this shutdown?

You and I and every other US citizen can contact our legislators and demand that they work together.  We can remind them that they need to work with everyone, not just those in their political party.

Please remind them that the word arrest has three meanings.


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