When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Feeling at Peace

Encouraging you to always feel at peace on near a river.

Do you feel at peace about your life?

At 10 am tomorrow morning, I will be under general anesthesia for amputation surgery.  This does not bother me at all, because I have had 17 surgeries and I am peace with my life.

Why am I at peace?

If for some strange reason I never wake up on Earth, I know I have done everything in my power to be at peace with everyone.  Having tried to honor all of my promises and commitments, I know deep in my heart that I would have no regrets if I die tomorrow.

Of course, I do not have a positive relationship with my Mother.  But I honestly tried to have a positive relationship with her.  Sending her a gift and a card every chance I had, I did my best.  Also, I called her and listened to her as often as possible.  But sometimes things simply do not work out.

If tomorrow is my last tomorrow, I know I will see Grandma.  I will run to her and give her the biggest bear hug and tell her I did everything in my power to spread her message of faith, hope, love, and encouragement.

Having loved my husband, family members, and friends as much as I possibly could, I know that I would leave no one feeling like our relationship is “unfinished”.

Are you at peace?

Do you feel at peace with your life?  Even if you are not having surgery, you still do not know when your time on Earth will be up.  We all need to be in a state of constant preparedness to move on. We need to be at peace. Like Garth Brooks sings in “If Tomorrow Never Comes”, no one is guaranteed a tomorrow.


Most likely the surgery will go well and I will recover well.  But I am always prepared in my heart for any of life’s possibilities.

Be at peace with your life at all times.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Someone is always watching you.

Please help me keep my promise!

Encouraging you to never give up on your dreams!

You never know when your kindnesses will return to you…


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One comment on “Feeling at Peace


May God bless you in your surgery with complete healing and a quick recovery. Having the peace of God as you do is a blessing many don’t have. You will be in my prayers. God bless!


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