When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Some Bad News

Encouraging you to read this bad news on near a river.

Here is some bad news you should read standing if at all possible.

You probably already knew that sitting for hours on end is bad for your waist and your overall health.

The more time you spend in a chair, the less activity your body gets.  Inactivity raises your risk for obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

There is more bad news about sitting, though.  In a study of more than 220,000 Australians over age 45, people who sat for more than 11 hours daily had a 40% greater chance of dying than those who sat for less than four hours.

Sitting for prolonged periods of time also affects your brain.  Your brain depends on good blood flow and glucose metabolism to work properly.  Simply stated, prolonged sitting can cause you to stress out. It causes depression, psychological distress, and reduced-well-being.

  • Depression

A study of more than 9,000 women in their fifties found that those who sat for more than seven hours per day were three times more likely to have symptoms of depression than those who sat less.  Depression saps your energy and your motivation to move, and sitting too much can make depression worse.

  • Psychological distress

Another study of more than 3,300 government workers found that those who spend more than six hours of their workdays sitting were more likely to score in the moderate to high range on tests for psychological distress than those who sat for less than three hours.

  • Reduced well-being

Researchers in the UK found that spending more time on a computer was associated with lower mental well-being for both males and females.  For females, long hours of watching television and total hours of sitting have a more significant negative impact.


Yes, this is bad news, because many of us must spend more than four hours a day sitting.  But now that you know the harm that sitting causes for your body and your brain, perhaps you can stand up for yourself!

If your job requires you to sit most of the day, add more activity breaks.  Get up and walk to the printer or walk to a coworker’s desk to speak with him or her in person instead of sending a message or making a phone call.

Stand up for yourself!


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