When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Balance of Power

near a river for kids encouragement for kids balance of power bj rae bald eagle

Let’s keep power in balance in our country!  Do not let any one group have too much power.

When there are children in a home, the adults provide everything for the child.  They provide health care, access to education, food, and more.  Who makes the rules in this home?  The parents, of course.

This balance of power works in a home because children are not capable of providing for themselves. But in government, it does not work. No one truly wants to exchange power to control his or her own life for what (s)he needs to survive, but the people of one country inadvertently did this.  Now they realize the error of their ways but cannot change their past decisions.

Another example

Right before the 21stcentury, the citizens of a particular country had a satisfactory life, but wanted more.  So they looked to their government to give them everything they wanted and elected a ruler who promised to do so. But the cost of giving the citizens everything they desired was extremely high, so their leader had to overtax those who had any money and these high taxes them out of the country.  Then the ruler struggled to continue to give the people what they wanted.

Of course, the ruler has continued to provide for himself.  He continues to live in a big house with enough food and medicine and toilet paper, and with the protection of his military. Since it is human nature to allow power to affect your mind and heart and soul, he will not even allow any aid from other countries to cross his country’s borders. Feeding his people would give them physical strength, and this could enable them to try to overturn his regime.

Today this leader clings to power as his people literally starve in the streets. His people are suffering because they wanted too much and got what they asked for!

Because these people depended on their government to provide everything for them, they inadvertently gave their government the power to control their lives.

Power is now out of balance in this sad country.

Where are we going?

The United States is heading toward this same path. Politicians promising to give us everything we need are running for President in 2020.  Don’t you think the power that transfers to him or her when (s)he bears the responsibility for providing the basic needs for all citizens might eventually cause problems?  The US could end up just like Venezuela.

Keep power in balance in the US!

The ability to care for yourself is power, and giving up this power leads to disaster! Caring for yourself gives you control over your own life.  Even if you struggle to provide for your family now, imagine how you would feel if you were powerless as Maduro’s people now are.

Yes, the thought of free health care and education appeal to me, too.  But I know how such great things end, so I will not voluntarily give up the power that I have to control my own life!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


What path should every leader follow?

Why is our country playing childish games?

We should learn from history instead of repeating it!

Shouldn’t we be thankful for what we have instead of wanting more?


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