Looking for a Holiday Bargain?

We all want to give a nice gift that doesn’t cost much. Might a bargain listed below interest you?

If you’re like my husband and I, you’ve been cutting expenses this year. But, you still want to give a gift to your loved ones.

You can share love without going broke!

A Reading Bargain

If the recipients on your holiday shopping list enjoy reading, you can give them a 12-month subscription to Reader’s Digest. Between today and December 10, 2020, this will only cost you $6.67 per person. Reader’s Digest has a ‘free special’ until the tenth of December that gives you two free gift subscriptions for every one you purchase at $20. Click here to share this with your loved ones.

A Food Bargain

Due to coronavirus restrictions, restaurants in some places are closed. Even if they’re open, many of us aren’t comfortable eating out. If you’re like us, you’ve been eating only at home.

Do you know anyone who isn’t a great cook, but wants to eat some interesting dishes (s)he can cook quickly and easily?

Steve and Kathy Doocy have published a wonderful cookbook with 100 fast and easy recipes, from desserts to main dishes to sides. It’s easy enough to follow that a child could prepare them, and they are absolutely delicious.

A Bargain for a Busy Woman

Are any of your loved ones busy Moms who sometimes need to answer a call, text, or email on a smart phone with kids in tow while shopping? I have seen more than one woman drop her phone while trying to perform this juggling act.

Borivilla sells a crossbody cell phone purse that allows a user to use a phone without taking it out of a purse. The clear material covering the phone is highly sensitive and truly does allow complete phone usage. The purse has RFID blocking, two straps, as well multiple storage pockets. Also, it accommodates cell phones up to 6.5 inches, including the iPhone 11, Samsung Galaxy S10, the Note 9, as well as others.

The Best Family Bargain

What is the absolute best gift for every family? Less stress, especially the post-holiday tension that results from having bills that you cannot pay.

You can give this incredible blessing by not overspending this holiday season.

Make a list of people to whom you want to give something. Then look at your budget and determine how much money you’ll have after your December bills are paid. Next to each recipient’s name, list a few things you might give him or her and how much you anticipate spending on that person. Then look around for the best price for each person’s gift. Just make certain your total gift expenditure isn’t more than your funds on hand.

This holiday season I hope your troubles are few,

your blessings are more,

and nothing but happiness walks through your door.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Happy Holidays to All!

Got family? If so, read this…

Here’s a loving gift that’s costs nothing!

What is the best gift you can give yourself?


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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