Be Kind and Save a Life

Be kind to everyone.  Your kindness could save someone’s life!

I am in tears as I write this post.

On Monday, June 19, 2017, a Christian fifteen-year-old girl named Sadie L. Briggs took her own life.

In Sadie’s obituary, her family wrote that Sadie was in counseling and seeking help.   Her obituary stated:

Yes, Sadie took her own life, she hung herself. It is hard to fathom that someone so young could be so troubled. Sadie was seeking help, she was in counseling and taking medication. But it was all too much for such a young soul to live with.

Sadie had a tough life. Until a recent incident at school, she handled everything life served her. For a young lady so excited about going to the High School things sure went terribly wrong for her.

The saddest part of the obituary came next.

For the bullies involved, please know you were effective in making her feel worthless. That is all between you and God now, but please know that it is not too late to change your ways…

To all the bullies out there, know that as much as we despise your actions never, ever do we wish for you to feel the paralyzing pain that engulfs our bodies. ..

Our hearts are beyond broken. Sadie, it was a privilege to have you in our lives and we will always love you. May you find peace in the arms of God and may we all be kind to one another.

In lieu of flowers, the family of Sadie ask that you be kind to one another.


No matter how you feel, you are always responsible for how you treat others.

Always remember that how you treat others can make a difference in whether a person lives or dies.

One smile, one hug, one simple act of listening

can make a difference to someone who is hurting.

Parents, teach your children to always be kind to other children.  Surround your children with kind people so they will in turn be kind to other children. Do not allow your children to become bullies!

In loving memory of those who have committed suicide,

please be kind to everyone!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


What does anyone really need?

Never give up and you will succeed!

Doctors said I would never walk again, but…

The most powerful forces in the universe are love and positive thinking!

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View Comments (1)

  • To begin with B. J., so sorry for the tragic loss of your brother. If only parents and others could realize the harm they do with both words and actions towards other, maybe they would be more understanding and considerate. Also, I am sure that everyone who reads Sadie's obituary are challenged to look back on ways we may have created pain in others lives. I pray your blog today will touch hearts and lives of each reader and in doing so, create a more loving and kind world to live in.

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