When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Let Everyone Be Blessed

Encouraging you to remember how blessed you are on Near a River.

May everyone have a blessed life.

A college track coach lined up the members of his team.  “Everyone, line up shoulder to shoulder. We are about to race!” he announced.

Coach Jim explained, “The winner will win this $100 bill.  Before the race begins, I will read a few questions. When you hear a question that applies to you, please take two steps forward.  If the question does not apply to you, stay where you are.”

He read these questions to the group.

  • Are both of your parents still married?

  • Have you never wondered where your next meal would come from?

  • Was there a father figure in your home continually while you were growing up?

  • Did you have access to a private education?

  • Have you never worried about your cell phone being shut off for lack of payment?

  • Did you have access to a private tutor growing up?

  • Have you never had to help Mom or Dad with the bills?

As he read the questions to the group, those who had not been able to step forward at all looked concerned.  They knew they would not get a head start in this race.

Teaching his team a valuable lesson, Jim said, “You guys in the front, turn around and look back.  Every question I’ve read has nothing to do with anything you have done or any decisions you have made.  We all know these people up here have a better opportunity to win this $100 bill. Does that mean these people back here cannot race?  No, it does not. We would be foolish to not realize we have been given more opportunity. The people in the back still have to run their race just like you who have been blessed with privilege must run yours.”

“But whoever wins this $100 bill, it would be foolish for you not to utilize it to help someone less fortunate and learn more about his story. If this race was fair and everyone was back on the original starting line, I guarantee you some of the black dudes in the back would smoke all of you.  It is only that you had a big head start that you will probably win the race called life. That is a picture of life, ladies and gentlemen.  When I say go, let the race begin.”

A  male in the privileged group won the race.


Had I been in this race, Then I would not have been able to step forward at all.  None of the questions apply to my growing up years. But I am still winning the race of life, and every holiday season I share with others as much as I possibly can. I simply want everyone to be blessed.

May the readers who have been blessed share with those in need, and may the readers in need be blessed with a good life.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Want others to love you back?

If you are trying to buy a home, read this first.

Don’t be caught standing alone when life’s storms hit!

Feel as though you’re wandering aimlessly through life?


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