Jump Out of the Boat!

If you struggle financially, you aren’t alone.  Many people are in your boat, but you can jump out and swim to the shore.

Suppose your electric bill is too high due to the summer heat. If you don’t find a way to pay it, your family could lose power.

How can you jump out of the boat you’re in?

Don’t call your electric company! Instead, write a letter. You don’t need to use fancy words or perfect grammar, but you do need to carefully organize your request.

Since most people phone to request assistance, your letter will make you stand out.

Here is how anyone can write this important missile.

Find the name and address of the highest-ranking employee at your power company. Try to obtain his or her email address, too.   If you can’t find the email addy, call the company and get any employees email address. Then try different combinations of letters using the boss’s name.  For example, Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon, might use one of these email addresses:

       JeffBezos@Amazon.com, or JBezos@Amazon.com, or JeffB@Amazon.com, or JB@Amazon.com, or Founder@Amazon.com.

Sit down with a pen and a piece of paper, and jot down the first ideas that come to your mind. Then use your notes to write your letter. The first paragraph should motivate the person to help you.

For example:

My family has paid your company for power for ten years, and we have been pleased with your

service. But, due to the recent high temperatures, we’ve had to keep our air conditioning

more than we‘d like to prevent heatstroke, and now we can’t pay the bill. We’d like to continue

to use you as our supplier, but we need some help from your company to do this.

The rest of your letter needs to give details that support why you can’t pay the bill and explain why you
deserve financial assistance.

For example:

Although I work full-time as a high school teacher and my wife is a housekeeper, our budget is

very tight. After we pay our monthly payments for medical bills, rent (or mortgage),

and buy food, there is very little left.

We knew that using our air conditioning so much would create a bill that is more than we can

afford, but our health problems (you can name them specifically if you think this would help

your cause) forced us to do this.

Now, if we can’t get help with this bill, we’ll lose power and have no air conditioning

until we come up with   (amount).

We are hard-working, tax-paying Americans, and we don’t deserve to suffer like this.

The cutoff date for our electric service is (date), so please contact me at

(email address) or call me at (phone number) as soon as possible to let me know how you can help my family.



Edit your letter, and get a second opinion if you can. I prefer to set my writing aside and review it again in a few hours before I send it. Make any changes, and email it to all of the email addresses you believe might be correct, one by one. You’ll know you have found the correct one when you don’t get a message saying the email you sent to a specific address is undeliverable. If you can’t send your request via email, send it through the post office with tracking.

You don’t have to stay in a boat that could sink at any minute due to being so overcrowded!


Jump out of the boat!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Try to beat the heat!

Here is the path to financial success.

A simple way to reduce your bill by up to 30%.

Want to quickly get your Social Security Disability without outside help?


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