On Borrowed Time

Is it bad or good to be living on borrowed time?

In October of 2019, a neurologist diagnosed me with complex regional pain syndrome.

When I first received this diagnosis, I believed it couldn’t kill me, that it could only make me wish I was dead. But I was wrong. It may shorten my life.

My husband has heart disease, diabetes, and tumors, One neighbor has cancer, and another multiple sclerosis. Like many others, we live on borrowed time. You might think our health issues would make us unhappy, but we see it differently.

Why are we comfortable with the prospect of death?

We live in the United States of America, a country in which everyone has enjoyed many freedoms—the freedom to worship God or not, the freedom to choose my own doctor and medical treatments, the freedom to live in the home of my choice, the freedom to purchase a gun or not, the freedom to buy what we want to buy from well-stocked stores, and many others.

But recently our country has taken steps toward a totalitarian government.

Our elected officials promise many things for free even though this additional debt will likely crush our country.  They also threaten our ability to defend ourselves and promise that our government can and will manage our lives. This pattern is just like the communist manifesto of Russia which describes exactly how socialism will replace capitalism.

Sadly, every communist country has fallen. When it collapsed, its people had no food or toilet paper, and no jobs. They had no way to feed their families. Since I am a writer, I must also note that no one purchased reading material.

At first, my CRPS diagnosis made me feel angry. I wondered why I got a rare condition that happens to be the most painful that exists. Furious that I could live to my nineties like my grandmother did and hurt this intensely every day, I simply wanted to be anyone but me.

But now, Like others, I know it’s good to be older and have a serious health issue instead of being young and healthy. I feel sorry for the younger people, who will have to live in the USSA, the United Socialist States of America, and also experience their country’s collapse.

When I met my husband, my love for him caused me to want to have children with him—something we cannot do. Now I’m glad that’s impossible because I’d die knowing they’d soon suffer tremendously.

I am no longer angry with my body for giving in to this disease. Instead, I’m thrilled to be living on borrowed time, because most likely I won’t live long enough to experience the miseries of the totalitarian government US Democrats are creating as well as its demise.

I would much rather die happy than miserable, so

borrowed time is a blessing.

I’m so thankful for it!


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