When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Brain Worm

near a river brain worm bj rae encouragement

What is brain worm? How can we cure it?

I live in the north part of the US., close to the Canadian border, Moose, bear, deer, and all manner of wildlife roam through our yard. We watch to make certain these animals don’t have any diseases, such as brain worm. If we see an animal that appears to be ill, we immediately call the Fish and Game Department.

Brain worm is one of the most common illnesses that infect nature’s four-legged citizens. Its symptoms include:

  • ataxia (unsteady gait, loss of voluntary muscle control)
  • listlessness
  • fearlessness
  • apparent deafness and/or blindness
  • circling
  • unusual head tilt or neck position
  • inability to feed/forage
  • paralysis

Brain worm is an infection of roundworms and kills animals through by overtaking their brains. White-tailed deer spread this rotten contagion with other animals. The deer survive, but moose almost always die. These deer don’t murder their forest associates on purpose—they accidentally share it with the moose.

Nature’s two-legged citizens in America have a terrible case of brain worm, too. Like the white-tailed deer, our politicians started it by fighting and refusing to work together on every issue. Now it affects everyone, and can even affect Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world. We have angry youth shooting innocent people as well as many other symptoms of this contagion.

Americans over age 40 might survive this disease. But, like moose, Americans under thirty-five (who grew up after our educators edited out parts of our history from their curriculum) are more likely to die from this horrible affliction.

What are the symptoms of human brain worm?

Here are some of them.

  • Emotions paralyzed in anger or inability to abate their this negative feeling, i.e.—mass shootings.
  • Focusing on the same things like a broken record instead of growing and dealing with issues that need to be dealt with.
  • Inability to take care of themselves, i.e. living with parents as adults and depending on the government to take care of their every need.
  • Being unable to think for themselves, i.e.—following others instead of thinking for themselves.

But wait! There is good news!

Americans can prevent the further spread of this contagion and possibly reverse it in those already infected. Here are some simple ways to keep this horrible blight from killing the younger generation and destroying our country as we know it.

  • All of our leaders, Democrat and Republican, must set good examples and work together like mature adults instead of two-year-olds.
  • Every one of us needs to do our best to live a fulfilling life. A fulfilling life means taking care of ourselves.
  • We all must stop worrying about being cool and doing what everyone else is doing. And we must think for ourselves and ignore the media (such as the New York Times), instead of following others.
  • Also, we need to deal with our frustrations individually and then move past them, one by one.

America is threatened by this potentially fatal contagion, but it is not too late to rid ourselves of it. Best of all, the cure won’t cost anyone or their health care plan any money at all. The solution to our problems is staring at us in the face, but we must choose to eliminate it.

Hopefully, America will rid itself of worms

in its citizens’ brains before it is too late!


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