I am brunette, so I pick on my own kind. This is a brunette joke.
There once was a brunette named BJ.
BJ lived where you can get 6 feet of snow or more in one winter and she loved to eat fish.
One winter day she went to the store to buy fish and all the fish was gone, so she decided to go ice fishing. She went to a hardware store and bought an augur. Then, with the manager’s help, she became familiar with using it. Then she looked for a good spot to find fish.
Finding what looked like a good spot to ice fish, she put her augur into the ice and started turning it around and around. Then a loud male voice boomed from overhead, “There are no fish under the ice!”
Feeling startled and surprised, she looked around. Everywhere she looked, she saw no one.
She moved down about 20 feet. She began to turn her augur again. And once again a loud voice boomed, “There are no fish under the ice!” She looked around and saw no one.
She moved down about 50 feet and started turning her augur again. One more time that same loud voice boomed, “There are no fish under the ice!”. For the third time, she looked around and saw no one. She was becoming very confused.
Trish moved to the other side of the ice and once began to turn her augur again. And for the fourth time, the loud male voice boomed, “There are no fish under the ice!”
Frustrated, BJ called out, “Who is telling me there are no fish under the ice? Is it you, God?”
The loud voice boomed back, “No, it is the ice rink manager!”
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