When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Category Archives: Overcome Depression

You can overcome depression!

Posts in this category explain strategies to overcome depression.  Strategies include including music, art, laughter, pets, anger management, and many more. These posts inform readers of how to sleep well at night, reduce stress, have happy days, and others.

The purpose of these articles is to enable readers to soar like eagles above life’s storms and overcome depression.

BJ’ s vision is insightful and motivating. Her vision brings you a positive outlook on life.  These articles will motivate and inspire you to overcome this issue.

Overcome depression!  Soar like an eagle!

Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.

A reason to smile…

Give yourself these gifts!

An ounce of prevention is worth…

What is the best resolution to make?

Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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you care about today!

Encouraging to remove what offends you from your life on Near a River.

Remove what offends you from your life and move forward! Something has been offending me for many years–my Mother’s lack of love for me. Since I am the result of my Mother’s extra marital affair, she did never show love Read more…

If you have been struggling to let go of something in your past, try to cheer up first and then try to forgive and move forward! Lately I have been thinking some very negative thoughts because my foot pain is Read more…

Encouragement to make just one resolution on Near a River.

What would your one resolution for next year be?  Here is my choice. If you only make one resolution, what would it be? My one resolution is to love myself unconditionally. Here is the true story that explains the reason Read more…

near a river encouragement dear friend bj rae eagle

If you or a friend struggles during the holiday season, please read and share this post! Dear Friend, Once again, the holidays are upon us.  In the midst of the excitement,  laughter, and cheer, I have not forgotten you.  The Read more…

Encouraging you to cope well when someone betrays you on Near a River.

When someone betrays you, you need to time to heal. Yesterday someone I care about betrayed me and today I happened upon written proof of this. Betrayal is one of the most devastating experiences a person can have. Only someone Read more…

near a river encouraging words think ahead bj rae bald eagle

Think ahead and prevent January blues. It can be difficult to think ahead to a few months from now, but time passes quickly.  And what we do today affects our future. It is now the end of November.  Our actions Read more…

Encouraging you to respect yourself on near a river.

You must respect yourself if you want others to do the same. Please stop going back to the same people who do not respect you, who have hurt you again and again. The people who lie to you and who Read more…

Encouraging you to make every day a celebration on near a river.

Celebrate every day of your life, even the days that do not start out so good! Do you struggle on certain days? I have struggled many many many days.  My birthdays have usually been a challenge for me to deal Read more…

Encouraging you to use our best solution on near a river.

Our best solution to PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Both my husband and I have been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and PTSD.  I also have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder. We muddle through each day by loving and supporting each Read more…

Encouraging you to respond proactively on near a river.

How do you respond when life hands you lemons? After eleven years of marriage, a loving couple finally gave birth to a baby boy.  Their baby boy was the apple of their eyes.  One morning, when the boy was around Read more…

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