Celebrate Life!

To be healthy and happy, celebrate life instead of holding a grudge!

Even though I have plenty to be angry about, I celebrate life, not anger or the hard times I have been through.

When I was a young child, my shoes often were too small.  My feet hurt as I walked to school and the park after school to play.  I became used to foot pain. Eventually the condition of my feet forced doctors to amputate part of both of my feet.

When I was still in elementary school, a family member’s addiction to strong cigarettes over-exposed me to second hand smoke.  Since then, I have gotten severe migraine headaches.  Also, since then pollution in the air causes me to immediately have such severe eye allergies that sometimes I cannot even drive.

My ex-husband used me for a punching bag every chance he got.

Yes, my life has been hard and I have much to be angry about.  However, I know that anger does not help anyone.  So I have worked hard to forgive my Mother, my Dad, and many others who have caused me pain.  Now I can think about the people who hurt me without feeling any desire to hurt them back.

Why did I forgive them?  I choose to celebrate my life and the positives in it instead of dwelling on the negatives in my past.  Celebrating life helps me to feel better about myself and also give me peace with my past.

We all have negatives in our past, but if we forgive and celebrate our lives we make the world a much better place.  Letting go of past negatives in our lives enables all of us to get along better and also allows us to feel happiness and joy.

Always remember that being positive makes you more successful.

Let go of the negatives in your past and celebrate life instead of holding a grudge.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

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How do you appear after a night out?

Love built on kindness always grows!

Four tips to overcome depression.

Experienced heart break?


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