Remove the Chains, America!

Americans have been led around in chains like slaves long enough! 

Years ago, America had slaves from other countries.  But now, in 2019, too many Americans are slaves.

Powerful people lead us around in chains with their ideas, many of which are not based in fact.  These people’s ideas cause us to not understand what is really going on in our country, and imprison others’ beliefs in our minds. They enslave us to others’ opinions.

Once upon a time, news reporters reported facts.  They did not discuss their interpretations or opinions of the facts.  Now, a reporter’s opening statement is usually an opinion and the reporter’s interpretation of the events follow.  Very seldom do reporters factually describe the actual events.

Why do reporters do this? They feel the need to control our political system through our minds!

However, our political system should develop based on Americans votes, and American votes should depend on our individual opinions and interpretations of actual facts.

These chains offend me because I have a brain and can think for myself! When I hear facts, my brain can process them and I can form my own opinions. Like you and everyone else, I do not need to be spoon-fed others’ opinions and interpretations!

What can we do about this?  We need to insist that our legislators pass laws that punish journalists who spread their own opinions and interpretations instead of facts.  Also, we must let the U.S. media know we are tired of how they treat us.  Americans are not stupid people and can think for themselves!

If we do not break these chains, what will happen to American children, our country’s future?  They will forever be puppets in bondage to the media, because it will control their lives by controlling how they vote.

Do you really want this kind of life for yourself, your children, and grandchildren?

Let’s remove the chains that enslave us to others’ opinions!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Americans, use your own minds!

Why doesn’t our government help us?

If only US media did not fuel our frustrations!

We all need to study Econ 101 and Marketing 101.


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