From the Chairwoman

I am the chairwoman of a committee few people admit to joining, but…


Finally, I have lost over twenty-five pounds in two months and kept it off.

I feel great, but my weight loss has created problems.  My rings were falling off my fingers and my clothes no longer fit.  My pants hung on me and the oversized shirts I used to wear as shirts have become nightshirts.  I now have more pajama shirts than any person needs!

So I got my rings resized.  And, although I hate to do this, I had to shop for a new wardrobe.

Unfortunately, I also had to shop for my least favorite item to buy–new (ahem, ahem) unmentionables. Today I felt dismayed when I bought the new ones for my upper parts. A large woman who is the Chairwoman of the “Large Size Committee” sized me for my new ones, and she said something obnoxious as she grinned at me. She chose me as the “Chairwoman of the Itty Bitty Committee”.

This is a committee that no woman in her right mind wants to join.  While I do admit that I am not proud to be the chairwoman of this committee, I must accept my position gracefully and smile in spite of my displeasure.

What keeps me smiling?  Just knowing that I am healthier than I have been for years and that I have decreased my risk for diabetes and other diseases that other members of my family have!

I still smile because I take the bad with the good in every area of my life. When I struggle to do this, I just remind myself how the good outweighs the bad.

Take President Trump, for example. Many Americans do not like him and want to impeach him.  Fox News broadcasts the good things he has done, but no other media seems to do that.  So today I researched at his accomplishments.

  • He has created over 4 million jobs since we elected him.
  • More Americans have gainful employment than ever before in the history of the United States.
  • He has created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs.
  • Manufacturing jobs are now growing at the fastest rate in more than 30 years!
  • The economic growth last quarter was 4.2%!
  • Unemployment claims are lower than they have been in 49 years.
  • African-American and Hispanic American unemployment are the lowest they have EVER been.
  • Youth unemployment, Veterans unemployment, and unemployment of Americans without a high school diploma are also the lowest they have ever been.
  • He signed the biggest package of tax cuts ever. After these tax cuts, over 300 billion dollars poured back into the US in the first quarter of this year alone.

There are many more good things about President Trump, but I have a favorite.  My favorite is
that Americans are more optimistic about their economic future than they have been in ten years.

You may not personally like President Trump or the way he communicates at times, but can’t you give him credit for improving our country? He has done all of these things and more in the first two years of his Presidency!

Take it from the “Chairwoman of the Itty Bitty Committee”.  In spite of his communication blunders, Trump has done much good for our country and can do much more!

P.S.—If you would like to join my committee, just message me.


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The best way to do things…

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