
BJ has a challenge for you…


Life has been a challenge for everyone this year, for everyone affected by covid and those who weren’t.

After years of too much pain, I had surgery in July to alleviate the challenge of the extreme discomfort Complex Regional Pain Syndrome was causing. For over a week following the procedure, I was delighted with the outcome. But on the ninth post-operative day, the misery of the condition returned. By the fourteenth day, I hurt just as much as I had during the preceding months.

Naturally, my disappointment created an ocean of tears around our home. In fact, we could have built a moat and rowed a canoe from our front door to our street.

I thought, “Why me, and why am I still alive? I’ve lived with too much pain all of my life. Why do I have to continue to put up with an overabundance of crap?”

A month ago, Dr. MacDonald, my physical therapist, discerned the reason my pain had come back with a vengeance. My surgeon had re-used an incision that two others before him had used. As the scar formed, it adhered to the nerves beneath it and put pressure on them every second of every day.

While I’ve been trying to work through the pain of the ‘suicide disease’, I’ve been thinking about the answers to the questions that crossed my mind earlier this year. And I’ve finally come up with the answer.

Looking around me, I noticed that others around me have problems, too. I remembered that my Grandma taught me to help others when life disappoints me, and doing this has always made me feel better.

My purpose in life is to make the world around me

as good as I possibly can.

When someone in front of us in line at the store doesn’t have quite enough money to make a purchase, we reach into our pockets and share whatever we can. When I see a parent with a crying child in a crowded store whom others are glancing at with annoyance, I look at that adult with a supportive and understanding smile. At times we see someone whose disability is more obvious than my own, and we hold doors open or step back to let him or her walk in front of us.

Every Christmas, my husband and I give each other one gift: we help someone who has been suffering without asking for anything from anyone else  But covid has caused such an abundance of need throughout the world that helping one person this holiday season isn’t enough, so I need your assistance.

I challenge you to think about your purpose

in life in spite of your problems.

How many people you can help each day?


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


A way to help others that costs no money at all…

What should you do in a ‘sticky moment?”

The best holiday gift for your family?

Grandma was absolutely correct…


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words


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for people

you care about today!


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