Coin New Words!

Anyone can coin new words!

I am a writer, and I place great value on expressing myself well and communicating ideas effectively. Sometimes when I cannot find the right words to express myself, I coin new words.

Here are some of the words I have coined recently.


This word combines the words cuddle and snuggle and has two meanings.  It means to help someone function or feel better, and to improve others’ lives.


Last night I felt ill and three males cuggled me all night.  I felt like myself again in the morning.

Our government should cuggle its constituents!

Note: Two of the males who cuggled me in bed are small dogs, but cuggling them and my hubby always makes me feel better!


A combination of mental anguish and political, this word describes anyone who allows his or her mental anguish to affect political judgment.


A molitical person’s actions prevent him or her from cuggling constituents.

Americans need to vote to remove molitical politicians from office!


“Negativity” and “Depression” form this word.  It means depression caused by negativity.


In spite of my daughter’s bad day, she did not allow any nepression to occur.

The political negativity in the US triggered the idea for the word “nepression”.


The words “problems” and “settle” combine to create this word and its definition.


Sometimes a person must pettle against his or her own desires to coggle other valuable people.


Pronounce this word as it appears or by making a “raspberry” with your lips.

I say this word when I feel frustrated with someone or something and cannot think of any better reply. As you say “pfffg”, be careful you do not accidentally spray those who may be around you.


When you express frustration, you should always do so gently. Say “pfffg” quietly and plan how to work with those who frustrate you instead of how to destroy them.


It sounds strange, but it is another example of onomatopoeia. Often it means to suddenly drop, and sometimes it means a sudden decline in the quality of your life.

The two sentences below explain this word.


Keep working on your troubles, and the solution will pwep into your life.

When you treat others unkindly, your own life will experience pwep!


This word combines the words “strong” and “swallow”.

When a person strallows, (s)he swallows any thoughts or actions that could affect others negatively instead of letting them affect others.


My son strallowed his anger toward his teacher and completed his assignment instead of acting out in class. He made me proud!

To reduce the constant political fighting in the US, we all need to strallow our negativity and work together.


To learn and remember a word, often a person must act it out as well as use it in sentences. If you like any of these new words, perhaps you can learn them, ask your political representative to do the same, and teach them to your children.

You can also express yourself and coin your own new words!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


A very important little word!

The most important aspect of words….

This word means bunches to every American.

What are the most important words in any language?


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