Crystal Ball

My crystal ball predicts good health for me for the rest of my life.  Hopefully, yours will too!

My genetic risk for developing diabetes is low!

I don’t need to win a million dollars or have certain material things to be happy. Nor do I need to travel, or go shopping.  Today my spirits are high, and you would feel the same way if you were in my shoes right now!

My crystal ball told me I will most likely

remain healthy for the rest of my life.

  • I neither have nor carry the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, or any other identified genes that cause female cancers.
  • Furthermore, I do not have the diabetes gene in my body, and my chance of developing this healthcare monster is only 1%!
  • More good news! The gene for Parkinson’s disease isn’t in my body, either. Neither is the gene for Alzheimer’s disease.
  • I don’t have the gene for inherited high cholesterol or the one that causes celiac disease.

All of these diseases have taken the lives of many of my family members,  so I am absolutely thrilled today.

Of course, my test results make me an oddball in my family, but being odd like this makes me happy!

However, I will still continue to live a healthy lifestyle, since living otherwise could cause me to develop diseases that are not in my genes.

The same crystal ball that gave me this great news can predict your future, too!  Just get your genes tested. Your health insurance may cover this if you have reason to believe you may have the gene for a particular disease.

Or, you can find a company that provides this testing.  Twenty-three and Me is the least expensive genetic testing currently available. If 23andme runs your genetic test, it will continually inform you of your risk as researchers identify new genes.

Do you want to look into your crystal ball?


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