Depressed? Get Motivated!

Six methods to get motivated in spite of your depression.

When you feel depressed, your battery is dead. You simply cannot start your engine and get moving. Once you jump your engine, it is easier to get moving. But how do you connect the jumper cables? How do you spark your engine?

Here are six ways to spark your engine and get moving again.

• Positive affirmations.

Post sticky notes all over your  home. Messages like, “Yes, I can do it!” might help you get moving again.

• Get out of bed and get dressed.

Get out of bed and get dressed. It takes much effort to meet this simple goal.

I had to give myself of a reason to get out of bed. I got up to feed the dog.

• Take a walk.

Exercise helps your body to release feel-good hormones called endorphins. I walked the dog first thing in the morning to release endorphins.

• Break each goal into smaller goals.

My normal goals made me feel anxious.  So I broke each goal into smaller goals. Instead of putting away all of the laundry, I put away just the towels. Then I put away each group of laundry, one at a time.

Each smaller goal I accomplished motivated me to keep going.

• Stop self-criticism!

Stop criticizing yourself for being unable to accomplish normal goals. Instead, encourage yourself with words like, “Great! I put away the towels!” instead of “Why can’t I put away all the laundry?”

Being critical of yourself just slows you down.


Visualizing helped me with motivation more than anything else. I visualized how I would feel after I met a goal.

This is a great way to accomplish any goal.


You can jump start your engine and get moving. First, you have to believe you can do it. Then you need to start by adding each of these to your daily routine one by one.

May you soar like an eagle over the storm of your depression and find ways to get motivated!


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Think you can’t go on?  I know you can!

Are you raising a child in this crazy world?

The most powerful forces in the universe are faithlove, and positive thinking.


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