When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

A Different Connection

Encouraging you to use a different connection on near a river,.

You may have seen commercials for “VPN” services.  What does a VPN connection do for you anyway?

I have used a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to protect my computer for several years, in addition to antivirus and antimalware programs.

Since I used only the best antivirus program available, you may wonder why I need additional protection.

Here are some of the things my VPN does for my computer.

  • Nord VPN, my VPN of choice, gives me privacy online. It allows me to connect to the internet from an IP address that is different than the one my internet provider has assigned to me.  So I do not get pop up advertisements like I got before I started using a VPN.
  • My VPN protects me when I use a public WIFI connection. I may be using the IP address of a specific WIFI connection, but my connection is filtered through my VPN.
  • Cyber criminals have programs that detect IP addresses and allow them to put spyware or malware directly into any computer when it is online. Spyware and malware can allow my identity to be stolen or my computer to be held hostage by ransomware.  But a VPN connection prevents this.  A VPN connection creates a data tunnel between my computer and the internet.  This makes it seem to evil people who would put spyware or malware into my computer that you are in a different place.  And the server at the VPN does not allow others to put anything into your computer.

How can you get VPN connection services?  Just go to this link and review the benefits of each VPN service, then go to the website for the one you prefer and download it.  Then set up an account and use your account information to connect your computer through your chosen VPN.

If you use a computer on the internet, using a VPN is a great idea.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


You can get unbiased search engine results,

Protect your computer and your identity.

Ever read Murphy’s laws for Facebook?

You might be able to fix it yourself.


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