When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

A Difficult Road

Encouraging you o not give up on difficult roads of life on near a river.

Do you know what is at the end of a difficult road?

On July 4, 2016, my friend Wendy and I took our early morning walk as usual.  Wanting to hike instead of just walking that morning, we picked a trail by the road we had been walking on and began to follow it.  We hiked through bushes and on rocky unmarked paths as well as across streams.  At one point, we lost our trail and had to use the GPS in my smartphone to find our latitude and longitude. Then we called my husband and he put our coordinates into Google Maps and guided us back to the road by phone.  It was an adventure neither one of us will ever forget. When we finally got to the end of our 12 mile hike, to a road in the second town north of our own town, my husband picked us up and drove us home.

When I got home, my husband had to remove more than 20 ticks from my body before I showered.  Unfortunately, I had not taken bear spray (mace for bears that I carry instead of a gun) with us and he lovingly reminded me that I was foolish to have not taken it. But I had had fun on our adventure even  without bear spray.

Do you know what we found near the end of our difficult road? We found a beautiful viewpoint that overlooked a quiet stream.  Animals wandered around under a clear blue sky.  Birds chirped and larger animals wandered through the bushes.  A beautiful picture is what we found.

Life is like this difficult hike.  When we begin life, it is easy.  But then the trail becomes more difficult and the terrain more challenging to navigate.  Sometimes we take risks we should not take. At times we lose our way and have to ask for help.  Often we suffer the consequences for the paths we choose and must remove the ticks of life from our bodies and minds.  But if we keep moving along and doing our best, we can have some fun as we travel toward the beauty at the end of the road of life.

Throughout your life you will go through easy times and hard times.  Never give up when the going gets rough!  Instead of giving up, focus on the end of the road–the beautiful picture that lies ahead of you.

You can soar like an eagle over life’s storms.  Just keep focused on the beautiful picture at the end of your life.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Be a victor instead of a victim!

Here is a written life survival kit.

I still remember it like it happened yesterday…

Do you want others to reciprocate the love you give them?


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2 comments on “A Difficult Road

labuan bajo

Therе is definiteⅼy a great deal to learn aƄout this issue.

I like all of the points you made.


Thanks B J for this most inspiring message. I think most of us can recall times when we gave up too early and missed the blessings of what might have been. We must continue to press toward the prize that awaits us when we choose to move forward instead of retreating.


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