Disadvantages or Advantages?

Here is another way to think about any disadvantages in your life!

Do your disadvantages give you any advantages?

Traumatic brain injury is definitely one of my disadvantages. It causes me to not remember words and often I feel very embarrassed.  Even if I know the subject very well, I can never remember the correct terminology.

In addition to being a special education teacher in my past life, I used to own my own computer repair business.  I could fix any kind of computer–new or old, Apple or Microsoft.  Although I am legally disabled due to my traumatic brain injury, I still use my knowledge to work on friends’ computers.

This morning I was working on a friend’s computer.  To fix his computer, I ran Rkill to uncloak the infections and ran Combofix in safe mode.  Then I fixed the registry of his computer and replaced the missing files of the operating system by doing a surface scan in normal mode.  My friend wanted to learn what I was doing. I tried desperately to recall proper words to describe what I was doing, but I could not recall them.  So I explained it to him using the only words I could recall, more basic words.  I think he understood what I was explaining to him even though I could not recall the right words!  When I left, he knew more about how to use his computer than he had ever known before and was able to do what he needed to do with it.

After I got home, I thought about what happened this morning.  I realized that traumatic brain injury can be an advantage!  Because of my traumatic brain injury, I communicate about computer issues using simpler words that others can understand.

If you have an issue in your life that you believe has been holding you back, perhaps you could look at your issue differently.  Just think about how it has changed your life, and then think of any advantages you now have because of the changes in your life.

Think about your advantages instead of your disadvantages. If you look for the blessings in your life instead of your struggles, you will feel much less frustrated, angry and depressed about your situation.


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View Comments (1)

  • Your honesty in telling about your own challenges are encouraging! Your skills and knowledge about computers blows me away. That being said, you captured a valuable truth in the last paragraph!. By implementing these suggestions into our lives will enable everyone to not only have a positive impact upon our own lives but also the lives of others. God bless!

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