When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Don’t Stand Alone!

Encouraging you to not stand alone on near a river.

It is very unwise to stand alone, especially when life’s storms hit!

Monday morning around midnight, a storm with 60 mph winds began to overwhelm our small mountain community.  The wind blew trees to places they should not be, onto power lines as well as across roads and driveways.  The water tore up the road we live on.  Because the roads were completely washed out in multiple places, we were trapped on our street for over 24 hours.

Water also inundated a barn that a pony I have enjoyed spending time with lived in.

The National Weather Service forecast this storm but we were unprepared for its force.  Neighbors have told me it was the worst storm here since 1976.

We lost power on Monday morning around 1 am.  Our power company still has not restored our power as I write this article.

My friend Wendy and I drove to survey the damage this morning.  We noticed the usual storm damage—washed out roads, trees down, and road crews working very hard.

We also noticed the tree pictured above. It stood alone for many years, but fell during this storm.  Behind it was a cluster of trees standing together.

This picture is a metaphor for life.  If we stand with others instead of standing alone, we can withstand life’s storms.  But when we stand alone, we often fall during storms.

My husband and I choose to stand with others.  We work with others around us to solve common problems and help others any way we can.  After this storm, we are very glad that we stand with others around us.  A contractor friend who did not lose power brought us his generator around noon today and set it up for us, to save our food and help us do some things we needed to do.  He also brought us a large container of fuel for his generator.  We did not ask him to do this.

Our community has stood together and we have supported each other.  No one has gone without any basic need.

This week we are so happy that we are like the trees in a group, not the tree that once stood alone!

I hope that you do not stand alone, that you surround yourselves with others who care instead! Surround yourselves with others who care before life hits you with a storm!

Soar like an eagle over life’s storms!  DO NOT STAND ALONE!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


The hero you are searching for is not far away.

What is the most valuable thing you have?

In spite of your circumstances…

A pearl of wisdom for life.


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