When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Some Essential Information…

I take the essential amino acid Lysine every day of my life.  Why do I do this?

near a river encouragement for kids essential information bj rae bald eagle

People who suffer from viral illnesses such as herpes or shingles have used an essential amino acid known as L-Lysine or Lysine for many years.  In fact, it is one of the main ingredients in cold sore ointments.

Lysine works as a building block protein that is necessary for the growth of new cells.  It contains 20 essential proteins, only 10 of which can be created in your body. And it has another benefit:  it turns fatty acids into energy and can also lower cholesterol levels. But my favorite benefits of taking Lysine are that it increases my calcium absorption and it also increases the amount of collagen in my body, which means it helps me avoid wrinkles and keeps me looking younger.

This essential amino acid has other benefits, too.  Here are just some of its proven benefits.

Research has found that Lysine decreases fasting blood glucose levels and increases insulin. So if you have diabetes, perhaps you should ask your doctor if you should take Lysine.

Lysine naturally creates carnitine, which breaks down fatty acids and LDL cholesterol.

A study found that patients who received Lysine supplements absorbed more calcium.  It is used for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Hair is made up of the protein keratin, and Lysine plays a huge role in keratin synthesis.

New research shows that Lysine may be a natural treatment for cancer because it targets malignant cells without killing any healthy cells.


You can find Lysine in supplements or in beans, eggs, cheeses, and meats.

By the way, I get no income from sharing this information with you.  I am just sharing it to make sure as many people as possible are aware of it.

As with any other supplement,  please ask a health care provider if you should take Lysine before you begin taking it.


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