When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Facebook Hacking?

Encouraging you to protect yourself from Facebook hacking on near a river.

Don’t let a Facebook hacking affect your day!

One night I wrote an article for www.nearariver.com. Then as usual I posted it on Facebook to let the public know I had written it.

But a Facebook hacking had occurred.

As I was on Facebook, a message popped up.  It wanted me to put in my security code.  But the only problem was that the security code was being sent to a phone number that I do not have access to.

Then I tried to recover my account.

I tried every way I knew to recover my account, but to no avail.  Finally I gave up and went to bed.

The next morning, I found the Facebook support phone number on Facebook.  It was 844-873-0056.

Daniel, the first Facebook tech I spoke with, gave me some happy news. If the only work required is to recover and restore my Facebook page, there will be no charge.

But was this a scam?

A few hours later, I got a phone call from Paul at Global Microsoft Support, 413-251-3233.  He said he works with Facebook and wanted to take remote of my computer and fix the issue.  After questioning him and being satisfied with his initial answers, I gave him remote of my computer.  He told me the problem was the Wannacry virus corrupting my computer.  Then he told me my network was not protected.

Knowing that both of Paul’s claims were untrue, I told Paul he needs to just work on the Facebook end not on my computer.

Paul said he would not fix the Facebook end unless I paid him $150 to connect my email accounts and IP address to a program for network protection.  I told him I do not need such a program, that I use Norton Connect Safe Settings in all of our computers.

He still refused to recover and restore my Facebook account.  Tired of arguing with him, I gave in and told him I would pay him the $150 to do the job.  He kept remote of my computer for about 5 hours.  Then he disappeared from my computer.  I waited for him to return for 45 minutes then shut down his connection.

Paul called me back right away.

He said he was “researching” an issue related to my computer.

I had gone to Walmart and gotten a $150 prepaid Visa card to pay Paul.  His supervisor Michael got involved when he did not finish the work he was supposed to finish.  Michael told me that he must have payment right away to finish the job.  I questioned him to make certain he was Microsoft certified and from Facebook.  He passed my questioning.

I gave Michael the Walmart gift card number and then practiced piano for 30 minutes while waiting for him to process it. When he returned to the phone, he said he could not process the card.  Then Michael told me that I should have bought three iTunes gift cards for $50 each instead of one $150 Prepaid Visa card.

Yes, it was a scam!

This morning I was driving with my husband to a plant nursery to get plants for our garden.  I called Michael and questioned him as to why he must have three iTunes gift cards instead of one for payment.  He said his computer system required this, not him.  He became defensive and aggressive when he answered so I simply told him our business relationship was over.

At the plant nursery, I tried to use the Walmart prepaid Visa card that I had given to Michael for payment last night. It did not work.  So I took it back to Walmart with the receipt.  Jessica at Walmart was very cordial. But she and I together found out that the card had been used.  I was furious!

I came home and called Paul at Global Mobility Support as he calls the company that he and Michael work for.  He said my computer was having issues and that is why my card was used.  I told him he is full of baloney, that the card simply sat on the router on my desk except when I gave his “boss” Michael the card information.

Who hacked my Facebook account?

Of course, this chain of events makes me  believe that Michael and Paul at Global Microsoft/Mobility Support are connected to the hacking.

Don’t let a Facebook hacking happen to you!

Prevent a Facebook hacking from happening to you! Secure your social media account with double log in security (a text and a password).  If your Social media account is ever hacked, do not contact Facebook customer support.  It is worthless and can actually be harmful to your finances. Contact a reputable technology support company such as www.Bask.com.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


You can and will succeed!

Murphy’s Laws for Facebook…

Protect your computer and your identity.

Want more info about using Facebook wisely?


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

BJ’s encouraging books are available

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and Barnesandnoble.com.


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