Always Faithful

Please share this post if you believe in always being faithful in your relationships!

A few days ago, I found a post on Facebook with a picture of a wheel chair.  On top of  the wheel chair were these words, “If your spouse became completely disabled, would you stay with them?  Share if you would!”  Of course, I shared this.

Today we are travelling two and a half hours each way to see a Parkinson’s specialist.  My husband’s general practitioner says that he must be evaluated for this horrible and cruel disease.  We both are hoping and praying he does not have it.  But—even if he does—I will remain with him until the end.  We married until death parts us, we have already been through nine surgeries since we got together five years ago, and I truly love this man.

Having learned the hard way how the word “unfaithful” really feels, the word commitment means a lot to me.  My ex-husband was not committed to me like I was to him.  In fact, one day I came home from work and found him in bed with a very young woman (who was at least 25 years younger than he was at the time).  Leaving a committed relationship for any reason would hurt the other person the same way my ex hurt me. There are some reasons to end a marriage, but changing your mind is not a reason I could ever leave my husband.

Because my husband knows that I am with him until the end, he woke up with a smile on his face this morning.  Then he hugged me, and told me he love me more than I love him (the opposite is actually true, of course!).  He is not upset or worried in the least about his Parkinson’s evaluation even though research proves he is at much greater risk for it because the US government exposed him to Agent Orange in Vietnam.  Whatever happens, we will be together.

Call me old-fashioned if you want to, but I am faithful to  the end.  If I am your friend, I am faithful to you to the end too.  My Grandma taught me to love others always and being faithful is one way to love others.

Please share this post if you believe in always being faithful in your relationships!


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View Comments (1)

  • One of the true signs of commitment is FAITHFULNESS! God honors this commitment in ways we can never realize until we exercise our faithfulness to others and to God. May God bless both you and your husband as you continue down the path of marriage bliss!

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