Our Fate

A US airstrike killed Iranian leader Qasem Soleimani. What is the fate of the US now?

Every past war the US fought occurred before the technology age. We didn’t have computers, cell phones, and other devices then.

But now our lives depend on technology. Technology controls the delivery of the electricity our gadgets depend on, our banks, and even our identities.

Technology enabled brilliant minds to design our military’s modern tools.  In Washington, DC, government officials monitor our antagonists as they go about their daily lives from satellite cameras in outer space.

Also, our military used technology to push a button and release a flying weapon that killed Qasem Soleimani.

So what is our fate?

I believe that our fate holds a technology war. In this war, I predict the following aspects of US technology will have to defend themselves.

  • Our Internet
  • The systems that the companies that provide our power rely on.
  • Our financial structure, including banks, credit bureaus, billing systems, and Social Security.

Why are these systems vulnerable?

Our enemies attack these systems from within, gaining access to them through a direct connection. After gaining access, our enemies can infect and take control of them.

If these systems fail to function at the hands of our enemies, our enemies will win.

You, yes you, can help prevent this future war.

Our enemies gain access to our vital systems by implanting viruses in our own devices.  Viruses too often give those who implant them control of the user’s computer, phone, or tablet. A virus can allow its controller to view everything you do in your device and also give him or her access to the websites to which you connect.

Even if your computer seems to run well and have no viruses, it can still be vulnerable if your internet protection is based in a foreign country.

To defend our country, we must use the weapons of US-based white list antivirus programs and US-based Virtual Private Networks.

Every American is a soldier fighting for the USA!


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