Feeling Rejected Today?

A new way to look at life when you feel rejected.

This quote describes what I know about my life.  Hopefully it also describes what you know about your life.

In high school, I had a boyfriend.  I loved him with all of my heart.  But we split up in my junior year of high school.  He broke up with me.  He rejected me. I was devastated at the time.

I went through hades in my first marriage.  He was bipolar.  Instead of getting the help he needed, he self-medicated with alcohol.  The results were disastrous to my health and almost cost me my life many many many times.  It took me years to find my way out of that relationship.

Then it took me years to find the love of my life, my husband.  He is sweet, helpful, kind, loving, supportive, and everything a man should be to his wife.  He is awesome.

When I was in high school and my boyfriend rejected me, I thought my world had come to an end.


But my world did not come to an end.  It has turned out pretty great! I have a husband who loves me with all of his heart.  In fact, our only argument is who loves who more.  We argue about this every day of our lives, from the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed.

When you feel you are being rejected, consider that God is redirecting you to something better.  He loves you and only wants what is best for you.  Try to not get depressed because of rejection.  Instead, be happy about the wonderful things that are to come in your life.

Parents, help your children deal with rejection.  When they experience rejection, tell them about the times in your life that you were rejected and something better was waiting for you around the corner.  Encourage them to be happy about the good things to come instead of depressed about the rejection they have just experienced.

Always be happy for the good things that are about to happen to you!


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