If at First…

Encouragement to keep trying first and always on near a river.

What do you do first when you do not succeed?

In November of last year, we tried to leave for our winter trip.  But life got in the way in the form of health issues.  At our first stop, my allergies gave me such an overwhelming migraine that my husband just drove right back to our home in the far north where my allergies do not bother me.  Then my doctor insisted on surgery for my right foot. While waiting for the surgery, the temperature here got as low as 20 degrees below zero and we were stuck in the extreme cold weather we try to avoid. (My husband has heart issues.)

Now I have had the foot surgery and am healing miraculously fast,  My surgeon released me from his care a few days ago, just 12 days after having amputation surgery.

Even after all of this, we are still determined to spend the remainder of the winter in a warmer climate.  So today we are leaving for our trip to the warmer southern part of the country.  We have already endured much of the cold harsh north country winter and we will enjoy our winter trip.

Thomas Palmer wrote a great message that we always follow in everything we do.  “Tis a lesson you should heed, try, try again. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!” Although he wrote these words in 1840, they ring true still today.

We will not give up on getting to a warmer place this winter, and I hope you never give up on your goals.  Whatever your goals are, please follow Thomas Palmer’s advice until you reach all of them.

Soar like an eagle over life’s storms.  If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Did you know that an ostrich only appears to bury its head in the sand?

Have you ever tried to survive a life challenge on your own?

Ever seen a 10 pound dog drive a car?

Enjoy the party but…


Enjoy BJ’s encouraging words

on bobbiejrae.com.

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View Comments (1)

  • Hope you have a successful journey to a warmer climate. We had 70 degree temps today and the same is forecast for tomorrow. Blessings on this and every journey and may each one bring you much joy.

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