
Has misrepresentation fooled you? 


Wake up, Americans!  One of our political parties has fooled us. Carol Swain, a black female Professor of Political Science and Law at Vanderbilt University explains how.

The first US political party began in 1829 and has fought against every major civil rights initiative. It has encouraged discrimination by:


Defending slavery,

Starting the civil war,

Opposing reconstruction,

Founding the Klu Klux Klan,

Imposing segregation,

Perpetrating lynchings, and

Fighting the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s.


On the other hand, the second party began in 1854 as an anti-slavery party. What was its goal? Stopping the spread of slavery into the new western territories and abolishing it entirely.

The 1857 Dred Scott v. Sandford decision obstructed this goal because the Supreme court ruled that slaves were property, not citizens. Seven Justices, members of the first party, voted in favor of slavery. Members of the second cast the two votes against slavery, and the bloody civil war decided the question.


But wait!  There is more evidence our government has fooled us!


  • President Lincoln (1861-1865), a member of the second party, freed the slaves. Six days after the Confederate army surrendered, a member of party one named John Wilkes Booth assassinated him. Lincoln’s vice president, Andrew Johnson, a member of the first party, vehemently opposed Lincoln’s plan to integrate the newly–freed slaves into the South’s economic and social order. Opposition to various amendments united Johnson and his party: opposition to the 13th Amendment which abolished slavery, the 14th amendment that gave blacks citizenship, and the 15th Amendment which gave blacks voting rights. All three of these amendments passed because of universal support of the second party.
  • From 1865 to 1877, Federal troops stationed in the South secured rights for the newly freed slaves. During this time, Southern voters elected hundreds of black men as state legislators representing party two. By 1900, 22 black members of the second party served in the US Congress. The first party didn’t elect a black man to Congress until 1935.
  • After the Reconstruction ended, the Federal troops went home and the first party once again claimed power in the South. It quickly established white supremacy with the “black codes”, laws that prevented blacks from owning property and running businesses. Also, it imposed poll taxes and literacy tests to subvert the voting rights of black citizens.

First party member Nathan Bedford Forrest enforced these racist policies

with his group the Klu Klux Klan.

  • President Wilson shared many views with the KKK. He resegregated many federal agencies. Also, he screened the first movie shown at the White House, the racist film “The Birth of a Nation”. The film’s original title was “The Klansman”.
  • The first party generated the only serious opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. While eighty percent of the second party supported this Act, less than seventy percent of the first party did. Senators from the first party filibustered the Act for seventy-five days until the second party mustered the votes to break the log jam.
  • When all of their efforts to enslave blacks, keep them enslaved, and keep them from voting failed, the first party came up with a new idea. If black people were going to vote, they might as well vote for members of its group. President Lyndon Johnson of party one, our leader from 1963 to 1969, said he would have the blacks voting for his party for 200 years.
  • The first party claims the second party is the villain. However, in reality, the failed policies of the first party have oppressed black Americans.
  • Party one’s massive government welfare has destroyed the black family, and its opposition to school choice has kept blacks trapped in failing schools. Also, its politically correct policing has left black neighborhoods defenseless against violent crime.

Do you recognize these two parties? The first is the Democratic Party and the second is the Republican Party.

Now the first party prospers on the votes of the very people it spent much of its history oppressing. When you think about racial equality and civil rights, which party should come to mind?

Although it is easier to fool others than to convince people someone has fooled them,

for the sake of generations of future Americans, we must try!


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