When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Lesson from a Student

Usually, in a private lesson, the teacher instructs the student. But, on this day, 
another lesson happened first. A true story…

near a river, lesson from a student, bj rae, encouragement

The student entered the music studio, ready for her lesson.

“How are you feeling today?”

the teacher asked,

knowing her student hadn’t been feeling well.

“Okay. Just waiting for my surgery,” the budding musician replied.

“Why do you have to wait so long? You’ve been waiting four months now.”

“There are fewer surgeons in this area.  According to what I’ve heard at the hospital, this is because of the declining pay. And it’s going to get worse. Before long, American healthcare will be like British healthcare.

“Over thirty years ago in high school, I had a friend who was an exchange student from England. We both had asthma. One day, as we dressed for gym class, she couldn’t find her inhaler and began to panic. ‘Why are you so upset?’ I asked.

“ ‘I can’t get another one as you can. In my country, the wait to see a doctor is over six months for anything, and our medications are rationed,’ Sarah replied.

‘I had a brand new inhaler in my gym locker, saved for emergencies like this one, and I handed it to my friend. She promised to return it as soon as her parents got her a new one.

“ ‘Don’t worry, your parents can get you another one today.’ “

The student continued explaining to her teacher

why she will have waited over five months

for a simple two-hour operation to relieve extreme pain.

“I am just glad I’ve only had to wait this long. Doctors spend several hundred thousand dollars paying for their education and prepare for their careers for many years. I don’t blame them for not wanting to accept unreasonably low pay.  If the US government had already taken over the health care system, every person and institution in our medical system would get too little money.  I’d probably wait for over two years. Healthcare is expensive. From MRI and CAT scan machines down to keeping everything sterilized, its cost adds up, and could sink our country!

The teacher, in her eighties, had been unaware of these facts and had been planning to vote for a 2020 candidate who supports government healthcare for all, or Medicare for all. She sat in silence a few minutes, watching as the student arranged her books on the music stand, wincing with every movement.

“I can’t vote for anyone who supports Medicare for all now, after the lesson you just gave me. Thanks for teaching me today.”


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Jump out before you sink!

Do you agree with this manifesto?

Does any American want to repeat this?

Jeff Bezos, please give your fellow citizens a chance!


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